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Residential Tenancies

Everyone wants their house to be a home, but this can be difficult if your landlord refuses to carry out repairs. Living in a state of disrepair will create stress and may even affect your health. We can help stop that from happening by intervening on your behalf, whether the problem is a leaking roof or windows, cracking walls and subsidence, mould caused by damp, blocked drains or a broken-down boiler.



Similarly, we all want somewhere safe and secure to live and there can be little more upsetting than the prospect of losing your home. Sadly this is a reality for many people, but with the right advice you may be able to stop repossession and eviction from happening.


Sometimes just getting a roof over your head isn’t as easy as it seems, particularly if you have specific needs. Local authorities have a duty to help older people, the infirm and children, but they don’t always fulfil this as they should. We have expert solicitors in this area who may be able to help with rehousing and homelessness if you think the council has let you down.

Any public organisation performing a public role is subject to judicial review of its decisions. This comprises government agencies, town councils, health departments, and governing bodies of schools. Our solicitors have extensive expertise in challenging councils and public bodies. For instance, recently, we assisted in contesting Barnet Council’s decision to increase parking fees by 400%. Additionally, we have been successful in opposing council decisions to close care facilities or remove funding from voluntary groups.

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