All commercial landlords and tenants should make sure they are aware of all the terms of their lease agreement (covenants). If not, you could find yourself subject to a breach of covenant claim.
Common breaches include failing to pay the rent, modifying or sub-letting without permission or failing to keep the property in a good state of repair. There are a number of remedies for commercial landlords and we can help you decide which is the best way forward and make sure you achieve it.
Tenants may also be able to bring claims against landlords, for example, for wrongly withholding or delaying consent for subletting or alternations or for not insuring the property. Most of these claims can only be settled in court and we can provide the expert support and advice you’ll need for your claim to succeed.
We will always provide our commercial clients with a fixed fee estimate upfront so you know what to expect, and we’ll keep you informed of any changes as your case progresses.