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Partnerships & LLPs

Choosing between Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) involves nuanced considerations—whether for privacy, regulatory compliance, or optimising tax and liability benefits.


We offer legal expertise in matters of partnerships and LLPs including:


  1. Conversion from an LLP to a limited company 
  2. Conversion to an LLP 
  3. LLP Formation and Registration 
  4. LLP Agreements 
  5. Partnership Agreements


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Whether you’re initiating new partnerships or seeking guidance within an existing LLP, our team provides straightforward and effective legal advice to safeguard your rights and manage risks. 

Establishing a partnership or LLP involves crucial decisions about contributions, work commitments, and decision-making processes. Without explicit agreements, default regulations come into play, emphasising the importance of clear, tailored arrangements. 

Questions about partner commitments, voting rights, and departures require thoughtful consideration. Our role is to address these complexities through comprehensive agreements, ensuring stability and clarity in your business relationships. 

LLPs, governed by more prescriptive regulations, demand detailed agreements but offer the advantage of limited liability—a key distinction from traditional partnerships where personal liability is significant. 

At Anthony Gold, we guide you through these intricate considerations, offering tailored legal solutions to protect your rights and set the foundation for enduring and prosperous business collaborations. Partner with us as you embark on the journey of structuring partnerships and LLPs, ensuring a solid legal foundation for your business success. 

For expert legal support in corporate and commercial law, contact us by email at or call us at 020 7940 4060. 

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