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Life changing injuries

Help when your injury means you have to change everything and you need compensation to pay for the changes.



When you have suffered brain injury you need a solicitor who understands the full range of effects brain injury can have. You need to be confident that your solicitor will maximise your compensation; run the process efficiently and smoothly and get interim payments.

When it comes to the affects of psychiatric injury, they can be subtle but life changing nevertheless. We have represented many people who have suffered psychiatric injury.  Because of our experience we are well connected to other experts who form the team to build your claim.

When you have suffered a spinal cord injury you need a solicitor who you feel comfortable with and who you have absolute confidence in to get the best possible outcome for you. We can maximise your compensation whilst making sure the process is run smoothly.

We have also represented many people who have suffered amputations.  We know that an amputation is a life changing injury so we start by listening to you to understand what has happened to you and how it has affected you and we do everything we can to alleviate the stress of your injury and the legal process.

When a loved one suffers as a result of a fatal injury no amount of compensation can make up for the loss of a loved one you shared your life with. However you should not suffer financially. Making sure you don’t suffer financially is vital.  We are very experienced at fighting your corner to maximise the claim so that your life stays on track financially.

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