Ian is a catastrophic injury specialist who regularly acts for British nationals injured abroad as well as foreign nationals injured whilst visiting the UK. He handles a complex caseload of high value, multi-track cases (mostly over £1 million), acting for those who have suffered multiple trauma injuries.
Recent successes include the following:
- £4.4m settlement for 73-year-old client who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury as a result of a road traffic accident in August 2018. In addition to the final settlement, Ian secured funds from the insurers for a full multi-disciplinary rehabilitation package which included a 24/7 care regime provided by specialist brain injury support workers.
- £3.4m settlement for a 45-year-old client who suffered an above knee amputation following a road traffic accident in July 2017. The settlement ensured that his client was able to purchase the most advanced prosthetic limbs available on the market.
- £1.5 settlement for a 47-year-old client who suffered a severe crush injury to his foot as a result of an accident at work. Ian secured a settlement which enabled his client to purchase suitable single level accommodation.
In 2016, Ian won a landmark case following a High Court trial, which involved an award of damages determined by English courts but applying Polish law. The Claimant had suffered a miscarriage following a road traffic accident and received a significant award of damages near £500,000, including the cost of three cycles of IVF treatment.
This year Ian is representing a number of clients in highly complex matters, where damages are anticipated to run into the millions, to include a severe spinal cord injury case involving an uninsured driver and a British holidaymaker who suffered life changing injuries following a quad bike accident in Zante.
Ian is recognised as an “Up and Coming” lawyer in the Chambers and Partners directory and as a “Leading Individual” in the Legal 500. He is also credited as “the name to note” for international personal injury claims. He was also shortlisted as “Catastrophic Injury Lawyer of the Year” in the 2021 PI Awards hosted by Barker Brooks.
‘Ian Peters is fantastic. He is extremely bright, has first-rate judgment, is no-nonsense and 100% calm.’ – Legal 500