Pathway to Surrogacy Surrogacy in England is legal, but the surrogacy agreements themselves are not legally binding or enforceable. Under the Surrogacy Act 1985, it is a criminal offence to adver...
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An Introduction Surrogacy arrangements date back to biblical times but gained real potential after 1978 when the first baby was conceived via IVF. This innovation pioneered further medical advanc...
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In the second post of the themed week, Fiona Lyon speaks about Pre-nuptial Agreements. https://youtu.be/2nwMWQTP9Nw The term pre-nuptial agreement or “pre-nup” is understood by most people,...
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MPs yesterday debated the final stages of the no-fault divorce, dissolution and separation bill which has now passed its third and final reading in Parliament. The bill completed the House of Lords...
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The second reading of the “no fault” divorce bill took place night and was voted in by an overwhelming majority of 231 votes to 16. Among the dissenters were a small number of DUP and Conservati...
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Have you issued a divorce petition but your spouse refuses to acknowledge it? Here is what happens after a divorce application is issued within the United Kingdom. How will my spouse be notified afte...
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'Can I get more money in divorce if my husband or wife has cheated on me?' This is often one of the first questions a divorce lawyer is asked – usually inspired by American legal dramas and films wh...
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