Moving Forward With Your Family In 2023

The New Year is a time when many people decide to push the reset button and commence a ‘New Beginning’ in their lives.
Your family may have been experiencing significant relationship difficulties, tension, abuse or a breakdown in your marriage or relationship. You could be seeking to move forward with your life with minimal stress and be contemplating divorce or separation.
The Family Team at Anthony Gold Solicitors can assist you with taking that first step – obtaining advice about how to move forward and finding out what the best solution is for you and your family to resolve issues.
We offer various methods to resolve family disputes which include mediation, collaborative law, arbitration, solicitor negotiations, round-table negotiations and litigation (Court proceedings if necessary).
All of our solicitors are also members of Resolution (the National Association of Specialist Family Lawyers) and are accredited. Our solicitors are committed to resolving disputes in an amicable and constructive way aimed to secure a solution that benefits you and your family in the long run. We understand that once negotiations or proceedings are concluded, the solicitors will be gone and the family will still need to be able to work together.
As Resolution members, we are required to:
- Reduce or manage any conflict and confrontation.
- Support and encourage families to put the best interests of any children first
- Act with honesty, integrity and objectivity.
- Listen to you, be honest with you and treat you with respect.
- Explain all the options and give you the confidence to make the right decisions.
- Help you focus on what’s important in the long term.
- Help you balance financial and emotional costs with what you want to achieve.
- Work with others to find the right approach and the best solutions for you.
- Manage stress in what can be an already stressful situation.
For advice Family Law advice in relation to children, divorce, finances and relationships, please contact Trainee Solicitor, Lola Ajayi at or on 020 7940 3903 to arrange an appointment.
Throughout January 2023, Anthony Gold is not charging for attending a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM), as part of National Family Mediation Week. Find out what is a MIAM and register for a free MIAM with one of our mediators today.
* Disclaimer: The information on the Anthony Gold website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. It is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied.*
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