Understanding your Entitlements as a Carer
Data from the Office for National Statistics forecasts that the number of people providing unpaid care is expected to double over the next 30 years. Therefore, what are you entitled to as a carer?
Providing care to a relative or a friend can seem customary and therefore you may not see yourself as a carer. However, if you are providing at least 35 hours per week care for someone, and the person you are caring for is in receipt of the care component of a disability benefit, you are considered a carer for the purposes of claiming benefits and you may be entitled to remuneration for the care you are providing.
The benefit you may be entitled to is called Carers Allowance. This is a weekly payment and can be paid on top of earnings up to £110.00 per week. Carers Allowance will enable you to carry on caring for loved ones whilst easing financial pressures. When in receipt of Carers Allowance you are also making contributions to your state pension therefore you do not need to worry about gaps in your national insurance contributions.
In addition to the allowance for carers there are a number of additional benefits and premiums yourself and your family may be eligible for. It is therefore important that you seek advice to make sure you are claiming what you are entitled to in order to maximize your income.
The Anthony Gold Deputyship department work for people who are fundamentally disabled and lack the mental capacity to manage their finances. Part of our job is to maximise the take up of their entitlements. If you are the carer of such a person and want help dealing with that person’s finances, please contact us here.