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David Wedgwood
Head of Commercial
Clifford Tibber
Carmine Procaccini
We're ready to get you the best result
Breach of covenant
All commercial landlords and tenants should make sure they are aware of all the terms of their lease agreement (covenants). If not, you could find yourself subject to a breach of covenant claim.
Forfeiture and recovery of possession
If a commercial tenant is in rent arrears or serious breach of their lease agreement the landlord may want to terminate the tenancy. It is vital landlords wanting to take this action do so lawfully.
Dilapidations and failing to repair
All commercial leases will set out the tenant’s obligations to keep the property in good repair. Dilapidation disputes usually arise at the end of a lease term and can be costly and time consuming, often ending up in court.
Lease renewals
Although most commercial lease renewals are governed by a statutory process, it is complicated and can be confusing. Even if you and your landlord or tenant agree about the terms for renewal, or termination, you should get expert legal advice.
Work with us and get the benefit of our experience.
Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) .
Call us today on 020 7940 4000 or email
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A settlement agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that confirms an agreement you’ve reached. Most commonly, that’s to settle an existing dispute or settle the terms of an amicable departure or redundancy.
Whatever the nature of your agreement, we bring a critical eye to every detail – and put your outcome first. We can help with everything from checking calculations to maximising your settlement amount. All in as little as a week.
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Fees will be charged on the basis of hours spent and, therefore, it depends upon the complexity of your case and the complexity of your financial arrangements because there must be full disclosure of these. A very straightforward pre-marital contract will cost in the order of £1,500-£2,000 plus VAT and a costs estimate will be submitted in all cases.
Party wall disputes
Everyday, minor jobs are not covered by the law, so you do not have to get permission to fix a plug socket, put up shelves or plaster the walls. But there are some things you can only do once you’ve notified your neighbour. You need to notify your neighbour if you intend to insert damp proofing, underpin the wall, demolish or rebuild it or cut into it to take the bearing of a beam, for example for a loft conversion.
Challenging the decisions of councils and public bodies
Any public organisation exercising a public function can have its decisions challenged by judicial review. This includes government departments, local councils, health authorities and boards of school governors. Private companies exercising public functions can also be subject to the process, for example, companies that run prisons.
Housing and tenancy issues
Everyone wants their house to be a home, but this can be difficult if your landlord refuses to carry out repairs. Living in a state of disrepair will create stress and may even affect your health. We can help stop that from happening by intervening on your behalf, whether the problem is a leaking roof or windows, cracking walls and subsidence, mould caused by damp, blocked drains or a broken-down boiler.
Ownership disputes and shares in property
Establishing what the original intention was, how the intention may have changed and who has invested how much in the property can be complex. Investment may be money – or it can work on a house for example. Things become unclear when intentions change or they were never documented clearly in the first place. Also the extent of investment over a long period of time might lead to a change in entitlement.